*Ads are placed in the following order: contributors who are also advertisers are guaranteed to place their ads next to their content if they want to, Then agencies, then annual, then month-to-month sponsors. Once a magazine is ready you will have 48 hours to pick your top 3 placements, ads are placed on a first-picked, first-placed basis. Should you submit late, and your top 3 are taken, you will schedule a call to get your ad placed... should you NOT Select a placement the ad will be placed in the most beneficial spot based on availability after all groups have selected.
**Guaranteed Impressions are NOT Unique, and will Cap at 10% above the guaranteed number of impressions. One your ads have met the guaranteed amount, your ads will promptly stop. If at any point you should not receive the full amount of impressions guaranteed, the balance of impressions will be rolled over to the following month, If you choose not to continue to advertise with us, we will continue to provide you with ad impressions until the guarantee is met.
***Leads that come from InVert Inc, Funnel Magazine, or any other brands owned by Hawk Mikado will be distributed to 3+ Agencies based on the requirements of the prospect and skillset of the agency. The agency who is awarded the contract is obligated to either (a) Pay a commission to InVert Inc for no less than 10% of the total received over 12 months (b) Purchase banner ad space equal to no less than 10% of the total received over 24 months OR (c) a Combination of (a) AND (b)
~This rough estimate is based on interaction with leads on messenger, via email, and data analysis performed by Facebook Audience Insights, but are not a guaranteed representation of the exact market on any given day.